Now China wants the International Monetary Fund to label the renminbi an official reserve currency by including it in the exclusive group that makes up its unit of account, the Special Drawing Rights. 现在,中国希望国际货币基金组织(IMF)通过将人民币纳入构成其记账单位特别提款权(SDR)的固定货币篮子,使人民币成为一种官方储备货币。
By check payment, we reserve right of ownership until the amount owed be credited to our bank account. 使用支票付款,敝公司将保留对货物的所有权直到应付之金额贷入敝公司银行帐户为止。
In return, the Federal Reserve may increase the Treasury's checking account at a Federal Reserve Bank. 这样,联邦储备系统就要增加美国财政部在联邦储备银行的支票帐户上的存款数。
Furthermore, the employer reserve the right to allocate a certain amount of fee into the individual old-age insurance account of employees depending on its financial status and their performance. 同时,企业也可以根据自己的经营状况以及雇员在企业中的表现,灵活决定是否缴纳一定费用到职工个人的养老保险账户上。
A reserve renminbi would have to be fully convertible, on the capital as well as the current account. 要充当储备货币,人民币就必须全面可兑换,无论在资本账户还是在经常账户都是如此。
How can I open a tax reserve certificate account? 如何申请储税券帐户?
Open reserve account at PBC or interbank account at agency bank, in which sufficient funds are saved for settlement; 在人民银行开立准备金存款账户或在代理行开立同业往来账户,并存在足够资金保证清算;
Under Federal Reserve Regulation D, which governs reserve requirements, banks had to hold a non-interest bearing account when they sold a large certificate of deposit in the United States. 在美联储D规定下,该规定管理准备金要求,当银行在美国出售大额存款单时,他们需持有一个无息账户。
Please note that we reserve the right to disable your account at any time. 请注意我们保留随时残废你的帐户的权利。
If such factors as increases in business tax and in the drawing of bad debt reserve requirement are taken into account, State-owned commercial banks would have recorded greater profits last year. 如果加上营业税增加、呆账准备金提取增加等因素,国有银行实际盈利水平将更高。
Chief Securities and its affiliates hereby expressly reserve the right not to accept any offer made by the client ( s) to purchase the products through the TIPS Account. 致富证券有限公司及其关联公司保留不接受申请人透过策略投资产品与服务帐户提出的任何购买指示的权利。
If you contravene the regulations of Terms ( 1) and ( 2) here above, this Mathematics platform reserve the right to terminate or delete your account. 如违反(1)及(2)项内所订下的条款,本数学平台有权终止或删除阁下的户口。
Meanwhile, earlier this year, China's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights, the IMF's unit of account. 与此同时,今年早些时候,中国央行行长在全球外汇市场引发一阵波动。他提议,用IMF的货币单位特别提款权(SDR)取代美元,作为世界储备货币。
Also unproved is the wider case that having just one reserve currency is inherently unstable, contributing to the global current account imbalances that are widening again as the world economy recovers from recession. 同样没有得到证实的还有一个更普遍的观点:即,使用单一储备货币具有天生的不稳定性,它促成了全球经常账户失衡随着世界经济从衰退中复苏,这种失衡正再次加剧。
Provided that Party B refuses to make cooperation, Party A shall be entitled to take the initiative in transferring the amount from the corresponding settlement reserve account of Party B. 乙方拒不配合的,甲方有权从乙方相应的结算备付金账户中主动扣划。
And we do maintain mutual reserve account relationships with our major correspondents. 而且我们同我们的主要往来行的确保持着相互之间的储备帐户关系。
We reserve the right to retain certain customer information, which relates to billing, account status, and product warranties. 我们保留我们保存关于账单,帐户状态及产品保单的客户信息的权利。
You can check the balance of your tax reserve certificate account, including the total amount of unused electronic TRC and the accrued interest. 你可查询你的储税券帐户结馀,包括电子储税券及利息总额。
You can acquire electronic tax reserve certificates into your tax reserve certificate account for tax payment. 您可于您的储税券帐户购买电子储税券,作缴税之用。
This unprecedented reserve accumulation has allowed even countries with large and persistent current account surpluses to stop their currencies from appreciating. 由于这种空前的外汇储备积累,那些经常账户存在持续、大量盈余的经济体甚至也得以遏制了本币升值。
Because the subject is a precaution system of reserve, the paper only takes the food that the nation can control into account and does not calculate the margin food of peasantry and the reserve of enterprise. 作为我国的粮食安全储备预警系统,应该只考虑国家能够控制的粮食,而农民手中的余粮和企业储备不应考虑在内。
But in recent years, the effectiveness of the monetary policy has been reduced. Expanded policy failed to control deflation and tight policy by raising deposit reserve rate failed to restrain the trend of economic over-heat. Various factors can account for the situation. 但是近年来,货币政策的效果有所下降,扩张性的货币政策没有能够有效地抑制通货紧缩,当前提高法定存款准备金率的从紧的货币政策也没有很好的抑制经济过热的势头。
Three oil-gas reserve prices, that are settling account price, wholesale price and market price, have been advanced, which are carried out separately between the country and the company. 提出了在国家、勘探,开采单位之间分别实行油气储量的三种价格:结算价格、批发价格和市场价格。
With the experience of the US and Japan for reference, the establishment of China Petroleum Reserve System shall take full account of the market and private fund, energy demand and supply, diversification of reserve fund and petroleum reserve system, etc. 而从美日两国的石油储备情况看,我国石油储备体系的建立应充分考虑市场和民间资金力量、能源需求与供给、储备资金多元化及石油储备制度等几个方面。
The international financial crisis over the last several years proves that having sufficient amount of foreign exchange reserve and its effective management are very important for avoiding external crisis, especially the crisis from fierce fluctuation era capital account. 频繁发生的国际性金融危机表明,持有充足的外汇储备的同时对外汇储备进行有效管理,是防范外部因素带来的危机、特别是基于资本项目的剧烈波动带来的危机的一个重要举措。
In this case, international hot money and idle fund flow into our country in a large amount, gamble the appreciation expectancy of RMB, become of our country foreign exchange reserve with foreign currency account for main reason that fund rise fast in recent years. 这种情况下,国际热钱与游资大量流入我国境内,赌人民币升值预期,成为近几年我国外汇储备和外汇占款快速上升的主要原因。
According to the monitoring and study conducted in Dinghushan nature reserve, nonnative species take account of23% of all vascular plant species. 对鼎湖山自然保护区外来植物入侵的监测和研究表明,鼎湖山的外来维管植物占所有维管植物种类的比例已达23%。
Some suggestions on the Write-down Reserve Account of Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets 关于固定资产、无形资产减值准备核算的几点建议
So, how to manage the large-scale foreign exchange reserve, to achieve a wide range of operations taking into account the safety, preservation and profitability objectives in order to promote the healthy, sustained and steady increase of Chinese economic has become a major currently issue. 如何管理好庞大的外汇储备,实现多元化的运营,兼顾安全性、流动性及收益性的目标,更好地促进我国经济健康、持续、稳定的增长,成为我国目前面临的一个重大课题。